What is Free cPanel?

Hosting companies which offer a cPanel service are very popular.

What cPanel does is to allow you to manage and install websites

easily. You can install WordPress with one click. Plus, you can upload

files and documents through their file manager. cPanel also offers

Awstats which tracks visitors to your site.

A good definition of cPanel is:

‘a Unix based Web hosting control panel” that provides a

graphical interface and automation tools designed to simplify

the process of hosting a web site. cPanel utilizes a 3 tier

structure that provides functionality for administrators, resellers,

and end-user website owners to control the various aspects of

website and server administration through a standard web


Free cPanel is normally offered by companies such as HostGator.

While technically it isn’t free it is included in your hosting package.

As you can tell from the above definition having a cPanel with your

hosting account can really make your life easier.

Even if you are planning on just a basic website you will need to

install a website or blog on your domain name. This can be done

inside your free cPanel by using Fantastico. This is a simple step by

step guide to setting up a WordPress, joomla or a Drupal site.

cPanel is easy to use and is one of the reasons why many people are

looking for a web host who offers this service. With cPanel you can

easily upload images and files, install shopping carts and forums as

well as creating your own help desk ticket system.

Another great feature of cPanel is that you can track and monitor

your visitor traffics. Knowing where you visitors are coming from is

great. In addition, you can find statistics on what pages they visit and

which keywords are used to find your site? For a serious business

owner this is vital information!

Once you start adding content to your website it is important to

backup your files. This way if anything does happen to your site you

can easily restore it. Backups can be done from within cPanel and

you should get into the habit of performing a backup regularly.

cPanel also offers email setup and forwarding. This allows you to use

different email names and have them all redirected into one inbox.

Email redirecting provides you with a professional online image by

using your domain name. For example, you can set up

info@yourdomainname.com, or multiple variations of this.

If you are just starting out with hosting your own site I would highly

recommend you choose a hosting company that offers free cPanel.